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FantaSeis  : making seismic affordable 


Historically, new seismic data has been very expensive to acquire.  Traditional seismic companies are designed to handle massive projects for large oil companies.  As a result, they emphasize expensive technologies designed to handle virtually any seismic acquisition need.  But what if you are a smaller player and simply need some 2D seismic profiles or a small 3D?  In the past, you had little option but to pay the high big-company price and wait a long time for your small project to fit on their busy schedule.  Now you have another option. Hunt's FantaSeis system combines new and existing but neglected technology to allow rapid, quality seismic acquisition with the lowest possible field effort.  This makes our costs MUCH lower, and we pass those savings on to you.   FantaSeis is tailored to regions with gentle to rolling topography, and maximum target depths of 7000-8000'.  If your project meets these criteria, you can expect typical savings of  50% off the big-company price, with faster mobilization.  Now you can "FantaSeis" about what affordable seismic can do for your projects.  Call us and we would be happy to discuss how we can help with your next seismic project.

The FantaSeis source unit doing a 2D seismic acquisition job
A FantaSeis crew member deploys wireless geophones
The FantaSeis system has a much lower field footprint than competitors
Seismic data acquired with FantaSeis versus big-company competitors
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